
This video introduces you to:

  • The Comments page
  • Approve, Unapprove, Reply, Quick Edit, Spam and Trash comments
  • Editing comments

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Hovering your mouse over a comment on the Comments page brings up six action links beneath the comment text.


Clicking the action link Approve publishes the comment to your blog and changes the link to Unapprove. Whereas clicking the Unapprove link removes the comment from your blog and puts the comment back in the moderation queue.


Clicking the action link Reply drops down a quick text box on the same page to allow you to reply to a
comment right from the Edit Comment screen. This means you can reply here rather than directly on your blog.

Quick Edit

Clicking the action link Quick Edit accomplishes the same as the Edit link except instead of taking you to a new Edit
Comment page, it drops down a quick edit text box. Benefit is you can do a fast edit on the same page.


Clicking the action link Edit opens the comment into full edit mode where you can edit content in any box. For example,
remove a student’s surname, fix a blog URL or hyperlink, provide students help with spelling or grammatical areas.

Once finished editing click Update Comment.


Clicking the action link Spam removes the comment from your blog and places it in your spam folder. You can delete all spam using the Delete all spam when you are looking at your spam comments.


Clicking the action link Trash removes the comment from your blog and places it in the trash.