About Quixotic Productions
Quixotic Productions exists to serve clients not only with creativity, but also with integrity, competence and objectivity.
To meet this end, we believe in the following code of ethics:
- Client information and records are confidential. Advantage will not be taken of confidential client information for myself or others.
- Projects will be accepted only if we have the necessary experience and competence to complete them.
- Fees and expenses will be clearly stated before commencement of any work. Fees will be reasonable and commensurate with the work being done.
- Fees or commissions received for equipment, supplies or services recommended to clients will be clearly disclosed in advance.
- Quixotic Productions respects the intellectual properties of clients and will not use proprietary information without permission.
- Our services will not be advertised in a deceptive manner.
- Domain names, access to hosting and completed websites belong to the client. Quixotic Productions will never withhold access to anything belonging to the client as long as all invoices are paid.
About the Web Diva:
“To every generation there is born a Chosen One. She will slay the obtuse websites, create exciting links, and punch-up your marketing program. She is the Web Diva.”
(quote used with thanks to one of my wonderful clients, Don Judson of Mid-Valley Bank)
Amy is a true “valley girl”, having been born and raised right here in the Willamette Valley of Oregon. Amy had her own computer by the time she was five, and has been doing programming and design projects ever since.
She wrote her first poem while in the branch of a cherry tree at the age of 5. Since then, she’s earned a degree in Writing & Literature from George Fox University to further her skills in all types of writing including stage and screen plays, fiction and journalism. She edited and designed the University’s literary journal for two years, and chose Communications/Video Production as her minor.
Amy also continued to hone her skills with computers as she designed the Writing/Lit Department’s website in HTML (no WSYWIG editor!) and became proficient in various graphic design programs for both PC and Mac platforms.
Amy married her high-school sweetheart two months after graduating from college in 1998, and performed freelance design and web work for Applied Logic Corp. in Salem, Oregon. During this time, she continued to learn additional web skills such as Javascript, ASP, Frontpage, Dreamweaver, Flash, Fireworks and more.
In 1999, Amy was hired by the Boys & Girls Club of Salem, Marion and Polk Counties (Oregon) as the Publications Specialist, where she worked on everything from newsletters to brochures to flyers to the website, and many special projects in-between. This was a great environment to learn how to work under tight deadlines, accomplish last minute projects, and coordinate varied projects simultaneously.
Finally, in May 2000, Amy moved on to the telecommunications marketing partnership, which was spun off as Fluid Communications, and has now become Quixotic Productions as of January 1, 2003. In this job she has been given the opportunity to specialize more on her true love – web design. “I go home and do more web design just for fun because my work doesn’t burn me out – I’m doing just what I want to be doing and am able to grow in my knowledge of all types of media.”
Amy has been expanding her artisitc endeavors into digital artwork and photography, and won the 2003 Woodburn Tulip Festival Print contest. Her work has been featured on local CDs and journals as well. Amy also has a line of t-shirts available at WhiteDogBlackDog.com
Married 18 years to a computer programmer and has three lovely daughters. She is homeschooling her 9 and 7 year olds classically (the 1 year old will be catching up soon!), and is a Foundations tutor and Challenge sub for her local Classical Conversations co-op.
Reading, writing, digital artwork, sci-fi & fantasy, CrossFit, web design, photography, and attempting to learn Latin.