Here’s the key differences between pages and posts:
This video introduces you to:
- The Post > Add New menu item
- The Editor, the categories module and the publish module
- Adding a title, adding your content to the visual editor, changing the post format, assigning categories and tags
- Previewing post
- Saving Drafts and publishing posts
[wpmudev-video video=”add-new-post”]
After you’ve created your new post, the Edit Post area in your administration panel is where you see a listing of all the saved posts, 20 posts per page, that you’ve written on your site.
In this screen you can search for posts and once located you can either edit or delete them.
Hovering your mouse over the title of a post brings up four action links:
Clicking the action link Edit opens the post into full edit mode where you can edit the post and/or configure post options such as passwords, categories, tags and the timestamp.
Quick Edit
Clicking the action link Quick Edit opens the post/page options letting you configure features such as title, status, passwords, categories, tags comments and the timestamp without having to edit the full post.
Used when you want to delete a post on your site.
Takes you to your site where you can see what the post looks like when viewed on your site.